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How to Mint a Minke Whale NFT

Learn how to mint a Minke Whale NFT

Josh Reyes avatar
Written by Josh Reyes
Updated over a week ago

We're giving away 10k Minke Whale NFTs for using Minke!

In 2022, common crypto users came under threat from dangerous centralized exchanges gambling away their fortunes. The Minke Whale NFT, the most common species of whale, is a reward for those pursuing decentralized finance. Embark on a quest to secure your fortune through self custody via the Minke mobile wallet.

Step 1: Download Minke

After you've downloaded the wallet import your existing wallet with your seed phrase or create a new wallet.

Step 2: Go to Mint NFT Page

From the home page press the Mint NFT button

Step 3: Join our Telegram Group and Verify

Press the link to join our Minke telegram community and verify your username

Step 4: Follow Openpeer's Twitter Account

Our friends at Openpeer are launching a self-custody p2p onramp that will soon be integrated into Minke. Follow them and verify your username

Twitter's API is currently rate limiting us, please be patient here

Step 4: Mint the NFT

Press the Mint NFT! button. After it turns grey your NFT is minted. You can go to the NFT page to view your NFT.

Step 5: View Your NFT

Go to the NFT page to view your NFT. You may need to close the app and reload in order to reset Opensea's API. Here's is how to view your NFTs.

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